Welcome to Finn

Welcome Finn

Hello and welcome to Finn. Beautiful Finn has a very very complex medical history.  he is quite an enigma. He is so lucky to have landed with his wonderful dedicated mum. She leaves no stone unturned to make sure he is having the best life right now.

His mum saw that we now have new technology that can help assess gait. Our tendiboots.

It uses small accelerometers on each limb to measure multiple aspects of movement during a stride.

I also do more than just this in my gait assessment sessions. I recognise that technology is fabulous but won’t replace all the other knowledge, experience, and science we have to hand. So, a robust assessment report is produced by the end of the session, and this can be sent to your vet or any other therapist you might be working with.

Well done, mum, for being so vigilant and well done Finn for being so strong, brave and happy.