Tag: paralysis

  • Welcome to Teddy!

    Hello and welcome to Teddy! This super cute cockerpoo sadly has IVDD. Intervertebral disk disease. This caused paralysis over a matter of hours. It was super scary for the poor parents. Teddy was rushed to the referral hospital and diagnosed quickly. He had surgery, a hemilaminectomy, where they open the spinal bones and release the…

  • Welcome to Dodge

    Hello and welcome to Dodge! We have now met a lot of this family as Dodge has a super caring mum who makes sure her animals mobility is top notch! This beautiful little sweetie did have a little fallout with a dog. Very sad. The whole family was devastated, but the vets were quick to…

  • Welcome to Albert




    Hello and welcome to Albert! This was an earlier photo of this lovely lad. Albert sadly suffered a spinal disk rupture and had spinal surgery. Sadly his case wasn’t one of the successful ones. But he is still loved and cared for and its still a really important story to share. Afterall, if we could…

  • Welcome to Peter




    Hello and welcome to Peter. Such a happy loving cat. He is an old man though. But so happy and loving. He comes in to his session and loves a face rub and purrs his socks off! He has been blind all his life which is quite a thing to adapt to in itself. But…

  • Welcome to Crispin




    Hello and welcome to Crispin. No one is totally sure of what happened to this lovely sweet cat. But an incident rendered him with a ruptured diaphragm and hind limb paralysis. He was sent to the referral specialist where the diaphragm was repaired and he managed to do very well. However his paralysis remained a…

  • Welcome to Poochie




    Hello and welcome to Poochie. Such a happy little jack russel. She has been through alot though. In her mid-life she had a herniated spinal disk and surgery was performed. She made a full and strong recovery and had no further issues for many years. Then, seemingly out of the blue, Poochie became paralysed again.…

  • Welcome to Polly




    Hello and welcome to Polly. Such a sweet cat. She sadly managed to damage her front limb and it was paralysed. It’s known as a brachial plexus avultion and is something we do see frequently. Cats can get this from catching thier leg when they jump out of a tree or being hit by a…

  • Welcome to Dolly




    Hello and welcome to Dolly. She is a very cute and well behaved little dachund. Sadly this breed are very prone to poor disks. This is the case in most dwarf breeds. The issue was detected quickly and she was rushed for surgery and the spine was fixed. However there was already damage done to…

  • Welcome to Faith




    Hello and welcome to Faith. She is a very sweet little heinz 57! She was brought over from Romania by Help for Hope. Her story is that she was kicked so hard her back was broken. At this time she also had a very young puppy and was still feeding him. So a vet took…

  • Paralysed rabbit recovery




    We introduced Tinsel many months ago and shared her story. She had sudden onset paralysis. Her x-rays showed no break but she was given a bleak prognosis as disk damage was suspected. She came for physiotherapy. She has made an amazing recovery. It didnt take that many months, but it did take us a while…