Tag: lameness

  • Welcome to saffron

    Welcome to saffron

    Hello and welcome to Saffron. She is so sweet.  Over the last few months she had been struggling to get off the floor, looking weak and sore. There had been a history of more stiffness over one hip as well. On exam, I could see some muscle wastage. This needed to be addressed. On discussion,…

  • Welcome to Eva

    Welcome to Eva

    Hello and welcome to Eva! She is such a sweet dog with a wonderful dedicated mum. She had some intermittent lameness on and off for a while. She saw a vet but hadn’t really got to the bottom of the problem. Having spoken to some friends, she felt it was time to see me! I love…

  • Welcome to Tipple

    Hello and welcome to Tipple. She was a gorgeous and super fit cocker spanial. She had a lameness though and the vet was not sure what the problem was. So she was sent to help see if we could add anything to the information. We did have findings but the problem remained a mystery and…

  • Welcome to Nell

    Hello and welcome to Nell. You will have seen the rescent post about Coco. This is Coco’s sister. After having such a wonderful effect on Coco, mum decided we must work on Nell! We are thrilled to report that there were less issues to find on Nell and so she has responded to treatment very…

  • Welcome to Sonny

    Hello and welcome to Sunny. He is so insanely strong and yet such a sensitive soul. This staffie has been very lame in his front leg for a long time. He was sent for a referal to a specialist who did a very thorough work up with CT scan. But nothing was found to be…

  • Welcome to Penny

    Hello and welcome to Penny such a sweet pointer. She really does melt the heart. She is a rescue and spent along time in the vets due to her abdomen being infected and in a terrible state, with so much scarring inside. The amazing vets got her sorted and the nurse decided to take her…

  • Welcome to Rango

    Hello and welcome to Rango. Such a crazy nutter! He is young and insane and soooo strong! But we know how to make him calm enough to work with! Bless him! He has been suffering lameness. Not serious, but enough for mum to worry. So she has started physiotherapy. It has not been easy to…

  • Welcome to Chip

    Hello and welcome to Chip. Such a sweet border collie. This chap is an agility dog, and is now in the veterans catagory. He was starting to show intermittent lameness. So he was referred for physio. We are thrilled to report, we changed his excercise regime temporarily and added some tageted excercises and then got…

  • Welcome to Charlie

    Hello and welcome to Charlie. a sweet young dog. He was been lame for a while. The vets were not sure what was wrong. He has medication that didnt help immemsily, and so the next step was to be referred to a speciapist. The mum was friends with one of our other clients. So she…

  • Welcome to Meg

    Hello and welcome to Meg. This poor lovely lady has a hind limb lamenss. As an older girl, its a worry to do surgery. So mum brought her for physio. We had a lengthy discussion and set a plan. However we found reason to suspect meniscal damage in with the stifle. Mum has her plan…