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Welcome to Rosie
Hello and welcome to Rosie!

I am always so proud when parents are so hot on thier loved ones health, that they just want to have a check up and just make sure everything is OK! We do this at the dentist for our teeth! It makes so much sense! Us physios focus our time and learning on everything mobility related so we are in a great position to spot things early.
Rosie is incredible. She is so strong. She does run at high speed across the field and she is a working dog.
I’m thrilled to report that I found nothing and mum couldn’t be happier. She can come back any time for another check-up. Lots of people come for an annual mobility check. I’m still part of your care team, so reports are sent back to the vet so they will know if anything is found and then any further work needed can be done by them as appropriate. Team work is the dream work!
Well done mum!