Welcome to Cooper


Hello and welcome to Cooper! He is such a lovely dog. I was told he was never this calm in the vets. I pride myself in being able to calm these dogs. It’s so important.

This was a tough case. At the start it was thought he might have a cruciate rupture but they were not sure. So he was sent for referral. In the meantime, we did some gentle muscle strengthening.

In investigation it was found that he had a muscle tear. So the physio plan was adapted accordingly.

He has a big team. He has me, the primary vet, the referral vet and now also the referral vets own physio is also added to the team. Cooper is back to me again. His plan is robust and aligned. Its so important we all are able to work together as a team. We might not all be under the same roof but it’s easy to stay connected with the phone and email reports.

I pride myself on having open and strong communication.  I send reports to vets after every session and if I’m worried, I will also pick up the phone and speak to the vet too. My vets are always so supportive of me because of this. They know if anything worries me I will be in contact as fast as I can so we can act fast.

Keep up the good work Cooper! Your super dedicated dad has the best team for you, and he is part of that fabulous team!

If you are worried your dog might have a muscle tear, contact us