Tag: muscle

  • Welcome to Ella

    Welcome to Ella

    Hello and welcome to Ella. This darling little dog has ruptured her cruciate ligament. This is such a common problem, but it tends to have slightly more prevalence in bigger dogs. Ella’s mum has opted to manage her cruciate rupture conservativly. This means no surgery. We always have a full discussion of the pro’s and…

  • Welcome to saffron

    Welcome to saffron

    Hello and welcome to Saffron. She is so sweet.  Over the last few months she had been struggling to get off the floor, looking weak and sore. There had been a history of more stiffness over one hip as well. On exam, I could see some muscle wastage. This needed to be addressed. On discussion,…

  • Welcome to Eva

    Welcome to Eva

    Hello and welcome to Eva! She is such a sweet dog with a wonderful dedicated mum. She had some intermittent lameness on and off for a while. She saw a vet but hadn’t really got to the bottom of the problem. Having spoken to some friends, she felt it was time to see me! I love…

  • Welcome to Cooper

    Welcome to Cooper

    Hello and welcome to Cooper! He is such a lovely dog. I was told he was never this calm in the vets. I pride myself in being able to calm these dogs. It’s so important. This was a tough case. At the start it was thought he might have a cruciate rupture but they were…

  • Welcome to Dotty!

    We have to both welcome and celebrate Dotty today! This lovely little one had luxating patella on both sides. One side had a surgery to stop the knee cap slipping and dislocating. Sadly there was a problem and a screw needed removing. This is not unusual though it’s not totally common. She then had lameness…

  • Welcome to Lexi




    Hello and welcome to Lexi. Lexi is super chilled! Poor little bean. She had her hip and knee having issues at the same time! She had surgery to fix the issues and this went well. However, she lost all confidence in using the leg and so she didnt use it well. This meant she lost…

  • Welcome to Harvey




    Hello and welcome to Harvey. Such a cute, and massive labrador! He is young but already has quite a story! He suffered spinal disk disease a few years ago. He had surgery and it recovered. But he was left with a limp in a hind leg. His parents thought this was just part of the…

  • Welcome to Cody




    Hello and welcome to Cody. Look at this lovely man. He is so cute! Poor thing has a seriously sore hip though. Hip dysplasia often progresses to osteoarthritis and chronic pain. Muscle gets reduced due to under use and then the hip get more unstable and the cycle roller coasters down hill. We can stop…

  • Welcome to Mami




    Hello and welcome to Mami. Such a sweet little jack russel cross. This little one has had an arthrscopy in the elbows. This means a camera went into see the damage in the elbows that was causing pain. Whilst in there, they removed bits of cartilage that had become detached, and cleaned up the area.…

  • welcome to Chester




    Hello and welcome to chester. This is the third and final dog from the same family. Mum knows its better to get them all a good check over and find things early! Mum has been taking her family to hydrotherapy for a while and one session, they noticed one of the legs had a bit…