Tag: back

  • Welcome to Murphy




    Hello and welcome to Murphy! That was one very cute dog! So well behaved! Poor thing has a bad back. All seemed well, until one day he came in looking super sore and his back was arched Vet exam concluded he may have some disk damage. He was given pain relief and physio suggested, so…

  • Welcome to Mia




    Hello and welcome to Mia. She has quite a short story with us, but wow, did she have a big history for such a young dog. She came to us for back tension and the occasional skip. This was a really wise choice as in some cases the skip is harmless, but in many cases…

  • Welcome to Snoop




    Hello and welcome to Snoop! This one gets right under your skin. Such a heart of gold! His mum had a behaviourist who felt something wasn’t quite right and felt that the behaviour progress was limited by discomfort. This is something we hear often so was no real suprised. Mum was super nervous to go…

  • Welcome to Scarlett




    Hello and welcome to Scarlett. A very nervous standard poodle. But very sweet. Her mum told us at the end of the session, that she had never laid down in a therapy session anywhere before. So we were super proud of how well she relaxed for us! She was no stranger to physio, but her…

  • Welcome to Caymen




    Hello and welcome to caymen. Such a sweet and cuddly Eraser. Not a common breed at all, so lovely to see. His mum is so loving and vigilant. She saw some movement in his back that she worried was back pain. So she came for physio to make sure there was nothing to worry about…

  • Welcome to Tonka




    Hello and welcome to Tonka. Possibly the most humungous dalmatian we have ever seen! So so sweet. His mum felt he had been very uncomfortable for a week and it had got progressivly worse. The vet also was unsure of what was going on but found some possible back pain. So he was sent for…

  • Welcome to Skipper




    Hello and welcome to Skipper. He is such a sweetheart.  This beautiful Springer is a well loved boy. His mum noticed him “clicking”. We have all heard clicking in ourselves and others, but for skipper it seemed to get worse and there seemed to be some consistencies. So mum wanted to be sure there was…

  • Welcome to Humphrey




    Hello and welcome to Humphrey! What a lovely boy. We are pleased to now welcome the whole family as we also treat his brother from another doggy mummy!  Poor Humphrey was happy and enjoying life when he suddenly went seriously weak in the hind. This breed are known for thier spinal issues and weaknesses. So…