Pain is inevitable, suffering is choice

Quote of the month:
“Pain is inevitable, suffering is choice”

I don’t know who wrote this but its so true!

At first this might come across as heartless, but actually it’s fabulously motivating!

We can’t help but feel pain, but once it’s here, it’s then what we do with it that will end the suffering! 💪❤️

There is lots to try and a really massive journey to “fix” it. I know we can’t always get rid of pain completely. Weather you even want to is a whole different subject.

But we know that doing things like finding the right medication for the individual, adapting lifestyle and the home, raising mood, building muscle and flexibility…all these things help reduce pain.

Not a single one of those, but all of them together. As you do one, it helps you achieve another and another and makes life great again. This raises mood and reduces pain. ✅️

Be powerful, make good choices for your loved ones and win the battle 💪🥰

Book a physio session for your dog, cat rabbit or any other fur or feather baby ❤️

Pain is inevitable, suf