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Welcome to Luna
Hello and welcome to Luna! She is a spirited one with a huge personality. She has her own opinions and is not afraid to share them! This bred is always so vocal aswell. Too cute!
Poor thing. She ruptured her cruciate. She came for physio. I was concerned she already looked more sore than I’d like as she seemed to have such sore forelimbs.
The body does compensate as it tries to adapt to doing work with one less useful limb. I felt it was not unreasonable that she had shifted forwards and taken too much over her fores. I felt we would monitor it. Meanwhile, we had to focus on the biggest part of the problem, the freshly surgical repaired limb.
We started the home regime and it was going well, when suddenly she was really sore again. This time on the other hind leg. This was within weeks of the first surgery. This does happen, and it’s something gardians are always warned about, but we hope it won’t happen until at least 12 weeks after the first side, so the body can cope well.
This happened with in just a few weeks so she went straight back to the referral vet for review. Duncan was a star as I also told him my worries about the shoulders so the whole lot was checked with imaging.
Thankfully, there was little to see with the shoulders, just inflamed. So they would resolve when her hind was better. She had the second surgery.
Both surgeries were both very successful. She wasn’t the most compliant patient, but the parents were firmly doing their best as it was all a bit scary for them. Understandably. I supported them as much as possible as I know that it doesn’t matter how much reassurance you get in these moments, it’s still scary.
Luna has now made a fabulous recovery! Well done team Luna!