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Welcome Tommy

Hello and welcome to Tommy!
He is a very cute boy but has some complex behaviour. This is OK though as his amazing dedicated parents have a full team of support! In fact, it was his dog walker and trainer who encouraged them to contact me when poor Tommy got ill.
Tommy suffered what we call and FCE. Fibrocartilagenous embolism.
These vary in severity and pain. It renders the patient temporarily paralysed, and this can affect 1 or several limbs.
By the time Tommy got to me, he fortunately regained most of his function. He ws struggling more with the fine motor skills.
In humans, this might look like being able to walk but not being able to coordinate, putting you foot up into a car. Or for your hands, you could shake someone’s hand but not pick a blueberry out of your muffin.
I identified Tommy’s weaknesses in coordination and set a program to encourage those neurological pathways.
I am thrilled to report that Tommy is now approximately 98% recovered with only the occasional paw scuff! This is wonderful as most of these patients don’t make a 100% recovery. You may well not notice what the deficits are, but they will be there.
Well done to Tommy and his cheer team!