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First 5 star review for my book is in!
I am so excited to share my news! I jave my first 5 star review for my book in!
Could I habe a future on the shelves of a bookshop? Who knows, buy I am proud either way!
Thank you to ine of the most influential vets in my life. Hannah capon, founder of Canine Arthritis Management A cause so close to my heart. Empowering owners/caregivers/mums/dads the knowledge to make thier own decisions about the future of thier dogs arthritis care.
A very heart felt review I am eternally grateful of and will get added to the cover.
“Sobbing, brilliant, so much passion and compassion…. It will support so many caregivers. He would be proud of you”
Thank you Hannah! By he, she means my Logan….
I know I haven’t even reveal the book title yet but I wanted to get it all together first.