Ellie and her gait assessment

Ellie in her Tendoboots

Hello and welcome to Ellie and her gait assessment!

Ellie mum is super vigilant and caring. She wanted Ellie to have a mobility assessment to see if there are any concerns.

Ellie did have a life as a racing greyhound and was then rescued. You never really know what happens in that world before the rescue.

She is now in a very loving and caring home. There is no real concern but mum knew there might be something so wanted to check. 

I did a thorough assessment of the whole body. She was such a well-behaved sweetie. I could only find a small niggle in her right hind. It wasn’t significant at all.

I decided to put the Tendiboots gait analysis machine on her. It’s new! It picks up more detail than you can see with your eyes. We can see a lot with our eyes, and we can use slow mo videos too, but it’s really lovely to have these tools to back us up.

Many people wonder whether the device will make them walk differently simply by it being in place. The answer is yes, but only for a few seconds. They very quickly adapt and get used to it as they go on a few little walks.

The next thought people have is, “What does it matter if they are just a bit lame?” The answer here is context. It might not be much of a worry, and it might not be “that bad.” As a human, you might choose to ignore it if you had it. But in context….is it impacting on the individual? Is it changing how they load the body? Is it causing other problems with compensation? Is it impacting their life and the things they want to do? In seeing a therapist, you will be asked these and many other questions, and they will help us work out the context and try to find the reason behind the limb.

Ignoring a small problem will lead to a bigger problem, and if we can address and issue early, it might be that we can avoid it being a bigger problem later. We also know that long term chronic niggling pain only progresses and its harder to manage the longer it goes on for, so addressing it early also delays that problem.

There are many reasons to get a mobility assessment and gait assessment.  To book yours or find out more contact us

Well done, mum, and well done, Ellie, for being such a star walking her cat walk boots!
