Welcome to Mishka


Hello and welcome to Mishka

She is a very nervous little one. Poor thing had quite a trauma at the vets but thankfully a far nicer time with us.

She had some intermittently limping with the odd yelp.

Yelps are not directly a sign of pain,they are a sign of submission so can be linked but shouldn’t be taken as a sign of pain only.

She was terribly nervous but we did our exam but we couldn’t find anything untoward. This is sometimes the case, particularly in the intermittent cases.

So we set her up with some very simple core work that can be done to keep the core comfortable and maintained whilst further investigation is done at the vets.

These cases are always more complicated when there are behavioural issues. But we can work positively through them. If you have these type of issues, let the vet know and form a plan that will get your dog loving the vet again. You can also you calming drugs and sedatives as necessary. It’s clearly better to not need them, but if the relationship jas been broken and there is no time to fix it,then that is the best option as stress is very debilitating in itself.

Keep up the good work mishka and family!