Pay it Forward Pays Off!

At the end of 2020, Donna decided to set up a Pay it Forward scheme. This is a scheme where people can donate money which can then be used by those who for whatever reason, have found themselves in financial difficulty and with a pet in need of physio treatment. We have had so many lovely people donate to this! Then we awaited some owners and animals in need! This was harder than expected, because people often feel undeserving or unable to ask for help. However, in July, Donna was able to offer assistance to Lottie, a gorgeous mixed breed 1 year old pup!


Lottie managed to dislocate her hip. Twice!

Lottie’s family had already suffered through a tough year, including Covid related job losses in the family and other hardships, such as previous vet’s bills. Lottie’s owner then discovered that when she had recently switched her bank, her pet insurance had not moved over and so had lapsed! As you can imagine, the family were devastated: despite thinking they were covered, they were left without a way to pay for Lottie’s surgery.

They set up a fundraiser on Facebook, where people have been generously donating towards the costs. But Lottie will require extensive physio to aid her in her recovery. This is where the Pay it Forward scheme stepped in!

Donna saw Lottie for the the first time last week and said this:

On first meeting Lottie it was a little sad to see she was nervous as that’s always a little sad to see. She, like all rescues, has been through so much in her short life. I took time to make sure she felt at ease and calm. I was thrilled that she came around to the idea of being treated and she did relax and allow her massage and stretches. She even got a little playful in the end! 

This type of issue is not uncommon. I am completely in favour of crate training, but if they are not completely secure they can be problematic. This is not the first crate related injury I have treated. A few years ago I also rehabilitated a Dalmatian that became paralysed after trying to force its way out of a crate. That lovely dog also made a full recovery. 

Lottie’s joint range of movement is really good and I am thrilled. We need to maintain that and make sure it does not reduce. I am confident she will make a wonderful recovery. Her parents are so completely dedicated to her and she is a beautiful dog with a beautiful soul. I am glad to be able to thank you and I thank all of our pay it forward donors for helping to make this happen. 

If you would like to find out more about the Pay it forward Scheme, you can watch this video:

If you would like to donate to this scheme, to help out an animal in need, you can do so here!

Thank you so much to our donors for making this happen!

Good luck to Lottie and family. We hope you continue to recover well and enjoy your physiotherapy.