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Another Happy Pay it Forward Recipient! Meet Jasmine!
Following on from Lottie’s story, we are pleased to say, another dog has benefitted from the generous donors of the Pay it Forward scheme! Meet Jasmine, a most deserving and lovely little dog, with owners who have been through so much! Donna met this lovely family for the first time at the beginning of August.

Jasmine’s Owner told us their story:
Jasmine is a rescue dog from Ireland and had needed treatment for worms and Giardia on her arrival. She has the sassiest personality and is very affectionate. Sadly, she is very reactive to other dogs, although has improved slightly with age. She lives with myself and my partner Ed, and our other dog Reggie, affectionately known as the Goon. Both of our dogs are loved more than life itself and have gotten us through some incredibly tough times including the sudden loss of my mum, IVF, and miscarriage. They are our reason to get up every morning.
Last year in July she ruptured her first cruciate on her left knee. At the time we were staring our 3rd round of IVF and actually used the money for a subsequent round to fund Jasmine’s surgery. Jasmine was amazing and recovered very well. The last few weeks we had noticed she was a bit stiff with a slight limp. Then bang: went out to the garden okay and came back hardly able to weight bear on the right leg. The vets confirmed our fear that she has partially ruptured her other cruciate.
Surgery would be the best option for Jasmine, but unfortunately, after 2 re-mortgages due to IVF and her previous surgery, we have no access to funds. Kate, Jasmine’s vet is happy to treat her and see how she gets on, and hopefully make her life comfortable. Kate has been very honest with us and has said if she feels Jasmine is not coping or in too much pain, she would have to have the conversation that no owner wants to have. We hope with all of our heart we can improve Jasmine’s condition.
We would be so grateful for any hep with Jasmine’s recovery. She is my everything and I want to help her live the best life she can, and she still has a lot of living to do.
As soon as we any disposable money we are more than happy to pay it back. I also knit and crochet so happy to use my skills to make anything for our furry friends. I have recently just given a handful of blankets to the vets. We are normally very proud and try and manage things on our own, but this time, Jasmine’s needs come first.
What Donna had to say, after Meeting Jasmine:
Jasmine was a total cutie and the owner Sharon was so completely grateful for the generosity of the public to help her dog. She thanks you all profusely, and so do I. I have assessed Jasmine and I am confident we can get her feeling better soon. The 2 sessions will get them started on their road to recovery. They have the plan and Sharon is super dedicated. With some muscle built and some weight lost there will be a good recovery.
If you would like to find out more about the Pay it forward Scheme, you can watch this video:
If you would like to donate to this scheme, to help out an animal in need, you can do so here! We are now out of Pay it Forward funds, so if you were to donate, you could make all the difference to another loved pet being able to receive treatment. We really look forward to being able to help someone else in need!
If you want to know more about the history of paying it forward read more here
Thank you so much to all our donors. As you can see, it makes a huge difference to our recipients!
Good luck to Jasmine: we hope your recovery continues well and that your family finds the happiness and luck they deserve!