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Vet rehabbers from around the world – Michael Yeo
Last week we started a new series called Vet rehabbers from around the world. This week we interviewed Michael Yeo!
Over our years we have met many amazing fellow physios. Covid-19 opened a bizarre opportunity where we stated to “meet” and chat with fellow rehabbers from all round the globe. It has been such an interesting journey as we learn their similarities and difference.
We have bought this to you so you can see how our same profession, varies in a different country.
We kicked off the Series talking to Michael Yeo of Australia. He came to the profession fairly recently as life made him realise his passion laid in dogs and biology.
We learn how in Australia, clients may well travel 2 hours to get to their rehab appointment. We also learn how close he is to us, as he also encouraged owners to visit the CAM website to find out all about arthritis and how to manage it. CAM was founded by Hannah Capon MRCVS in the UK!