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Welcome to Heidi

Hello and welcome to Heidi. She is a beautiful young pointer. She is only 17months old.
One day she was out having fun and then went very lame. After a trip to the vets and some Nsaid’s she recovered quickly. The vet had warned her it may be a cruciate rupture. As she recovered so fast and well, mum didnt worry further.
But then a few months later it happened again. So this time mum decided she wanted to try physio to see if that would help.
So we have set her up with a home regime that will build muscle and encourage good use of the limb again.
But sadly its diffucult in dogs over 15kg if it is cruciate damage. So we are giving it a go, but mum is aware she may need to go back to the vet for furtger investigation if we dont get good results soon.
Keep up the good work mum and Heidi. Surgery is always scary, so its worth exploring all options before making your decisuon, if you have the luxury of time.