Welcome to Sky

Welcome to Sky

Hello and welcome to Sky. She was such a sweet and lovely Rottweiler.

We don’t see many rotts anymore and oddly we saw the majority when we had our clinic in Portsmouth!

She was such a sweetie!

She came as she had some shoulder lameness and dad wanted another opinion before commiting to further investigation.

Turns out, we all agreed that further investigation was required and it looked like it was most likey it could be OCD.

This is a disease where a piece of the joint surface cracks off and it can float around inside the joint causing random pain. This is that called a joint mouse. Its like having a stone in your shoe….pretty anoying and quite painful when you stand on it in the wrong way.

So Sky is off having further investigation now, as sadly there is only one way to remove the mouse, and that is surgery, an arthroscopy.

Good luck Sky and family!