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Welcome to Tonka
Hello and welcome to Tonka. Possibly the most humungous dalmatian we have ever seen!
So so sweet. His mum felt he had been very uncomfortable for a week and it had got progressivly worse. The vet also was unsure of what was going on but found some possible back pain. So he was sent for physio.
On most of the exam there was very little to find. Until we did a spinal extention check and found some discomfort in the lower back. Its possible this is linked to disk problems.
So he has been referred back to the vets for further investigation and referral.
We await the specialists report from the x-rays, but there was an amazing odd turn of events. When asleep it was noticed he had incredible amounts of stomach gas. This is often associated with a GDV. Since having this reduced he has been much better! Its is highly unusual for this to happen with so little symptoms as GDV can be fatal within hours.
So this fascinating case is keeping us all on our toes and reminding us all to think outside the box. We look forward to more information from the orthopeadic specialist.
We will then likely work on core strengthening programes.
Keep up the good work mum and Tonka. We’ll have our answers soon!