Month: April 2016

  • Welcome to TJ



    Hello amd welcome to TJ. This hansom doberman is struggeling. Poor thing has a few problems. A heart condition and a small spinal space and arthritis. All in all he is on a lot of medication and jas a lot of factors to take into concideration. But he still has spirit and is full of…

  • Welcome to Spencer



    Hello and welcome to Spencer. This lovely little cat has been in the wars. Hes gorgeous but refuses to look anywhere other than outside! But he was very co operative during his session. Even his mum couldnt believe it. Spencer has had to come for rehabillitation following surgery on his pelvis. He had a fracture…

  • Welcome to fred



    Hello and welcome to Fred. This gorgeous boy has arthritis. He came as the owners amd vet wanted to make sure they are doing everything they can to keep on top of the arthritis. Fred is still coping well but early tweeks can ensure that we can avoid having to make fast dramtic changes to…

  • Welcome to Stanley



    Hello and welcome to Stanley. I love this photo. Real close up but looks so emotional. This little staffie is a total sweetheart with a nig story. He only has 3 legs. But he doesnt let it stop him. Another gokd star mummy. The owner has brought him for physio to make sure they look…

  • Welcome to Junot



    Hello and welcome to Junot Here are some gold star owners! Junot has partial tears both his cruciate ligaments. Poor thing. Though he is a trooper and hes not letting it get him down. Mum amd dad knew rehabillitation would be needed so they got intouch before he had the surgery so we could get…