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Tag: luxating patella
Welcome to Fred
Hello and welcome to Fred! Yes, a cat! This little darling isn’t even 1 year old and has already had his first major orthopeadic surgery! In fact, he has had 2! Poor Fred saw the vet, and they discovered he had luxating patella in both knees. This means his knee cpas were dislocating. This is…
Welcome Deetee
Hello and welcome to Deetee. This cute button was sent for physiotherapy to rehabilitate following surgery to correct luxating patella. We are thrilled to report healing went wonderfully well and she was discharged in just 5 sessions. Well done Deetee for doing as you were told, and well done parents for following the plan. Great…
Welcome to Mia
Hello and welcome to Mia. She has quite a short story with us, but wow, did she have a big history for such a young dog. She came to us for back tension and the occasional skip. This was a really wise choice as in some cases the skip is harmless, but in many cases…
Welcome to Riley
Hello and welcome to Riley! This one got labled sir lick-a-lot! But was such a sweet dog. Licking is a nightmare and really can cause post operative problems like infections so we must be vigilant of this. We saw Riley as she had a luxating patella corrective surgery. We set her rehab and she did…
Welcome Nala
Hello and welcome to Nala. Such a sweet girl! Nala had luxating patella on both sides. Her knees dislocated. She had surgery to fix the issue. However she was still having issues with lameness. This is not unusual. Rehabillitation is very normal in the human world following surgery, but is often missed in the animal…
Welcome to Tipsy
Hello and welcome to Tipsey. Such a dear little chihuahua with a heart of gold. Sadly these little dogs are very prone to luxating patella. This is where the knee caps pops out of place frequently. This can lead to arthritis and can become quite painful. It often seems a pain free ailment to begin…
Welcome to Snoop
Hello and welcome to Snoop! This one gets right under your skin. Such a heart of gold! His mum had a behaviourist who felt something wasn’t quite right and felt that the behaviour progress was limited by discomfort. This is something we hear often so was no real suprised. Mum was super nervous to go…
Welcome to Chewbacca
Hello and welcome to Chewbacca. This bundle of cutness is one of what feels like hundreds of luxating patella cases I have at the moment. Luxating patella is such a common issue now. Mostly in small breeds, its where the knee cap slips put of place off to the side of the leg. Most of…