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Tag: animal
Today was a tough but necessary conference aimed at #BreakingTheLink I went with the lovely Tanya Crawley owner of Vets4Pets Swindon. I bumped into plenty of people I knew including vet and campaigner Marc Abrahams, OBE. He is so inspiring and working so hard to work with so many people to end animal and inturn,…
Perk Package Bracknell – Foxy Aesthetics joins us to add their perk!
Foxy Aesthetics – Offers 10% off AND free delivery for any first online order of skin care products! Just enter the code PERKPACKAGE at the checkout Thank you for joining our scheme Foxy Aesthetics! So remember! If you are a customer of any of the businesses in the perk package scheme, you are eligible for…
Inspiring young people at Owlsmoor Primary school
Animal Physiotherapy had a wondeful day inspiring young people at Owlsmoor Primary school. Owlsmoor Primary School invited us to go and represent Animal Physiotherapists at thier school careers week. The school didn’t see why children needed to wait until they hit senior school, to be exposed to the wonderous opportunities thier futures hold. It was…
Physiotherapy on the exotic patient CPD
Yesterday we delivered training titled “Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy in the exotic patient”. CPD is an essential part of staying current and being good at your profession. Many prefessions are obilgated to do a set number of hours to ensure they maintain thier qualification. So we delivered this CPD to ensure physios are able to feel…
New Stockist For Puppy Massage DVD – Worcestershire Animal Therapy
New Stockist For the Puppy Massage DVD – Worcestershire Animal Therapy We have a new stockist for the Puppy Massage DVD, Worcestershire Animal Therapy. They see how important this is for their patients and clients, and see how this will aid the owners in learning how to massage their dogs. This basic, but thorough…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year From Animal Physiotherapy Ltd
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Animal Physiotherapy Ltd I wish you all a Merry Chritsmas and a Happy New Year from Animal Physiotherapy Ltd I have had a wonderful 2016. I organised and hosted the amazing Paws in the Park dog show in Bracknell. I am eternally grateful to the sponsors of…
Article in the VN Times! Crowd Funding Accomplishment; a DVD case study
Article in the VN Times! Crowd Funding Accomplishment; and DVD case study We are so pleased to see an article in the VN Times! Crowd Funding Accomplishment; and DVD case study about our story. They very kindly help space for this story, and its now in print for the world to see. …
Paws in the Park in the Paper!
Paws in the Park in the Paper! We are so pleased to share that Paws Paws in the Park got in the Paper! Local Newspaper Bracknell News Printed the story about Paws in the Park and the Puppy Massage DVD Launch in the 25th August 2016 edition. We are so pleased about the media coverage we…
The Puppy Massage DVD – Buy it Now with ease!
The Puppy Massage DVD – Buy it Now with ease! The Puppy Massage DVD is now easy to buy! We have got easy Pay pal buttons on our website pages so you can see all the information you want, about the DVD and then click the “Buy Now” button to safely and quickly buy online.…
Paws in the Park Show Program and BBC Radio Berkshire as joining us!
Paws in the Park Show Program and BBC Radio Berkshire as joining us! Here is the line up for the day, Paws in the Park Show Program and BBC Radio Berkshire as also joining us for our fun doggy festivities! Its all so exciting! show program 2016 We are so excited to have so much support for this…