Cuppa Tea with the vet – Next up, Silvia Janska!

Our Cuppa Tea with the vet series continues. Next up, we have Silvia Janska!

This amazing lady has quite a bio! Meet live on Wednesday at 7pm!

Silvia Janskรก BSc(Hons) MSc BVetMed PgCertVBM MRCVS
I obtained a BSc in Veterinary Science and a MSc in Wild Animal Biology prior to graduating with a vet degree from the RVC in 2014. Throughout my 8-year education at the RVC, I also worked in their e-Media department on various projects that enhanced student learning. After graduating I completed an equine internship and obtained a Certificate in Veterinary Business Management from the University of Liverpool. I have a portfolio career working as an ambulatory equine vet, consulting within the animal health industry (, and running a start-up (Flexee,ย that looks at flexible working for permanent vet employees. On the volunteer side, I am a SPVS board member, and a member of the Greener Veterinary Practice working group for VetSustain.ย 

Everyone knows how mush we love a fellow eco head!

Silvia Jankska

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