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Glam Pupz joining us at Paws in the Park
Glam Pupz Joining us at Paws in the Park
We are so pleased to announce that Glam Pupz is joining us at Paws in the Park!
At 11am-3.30 Braybrook Park, Makepiece Road, Bracknell, Berkshire. 20th August 2016.
Glam Pupz are holding a stand. “Providing top fashion for your Furbabies. Come visit our stand”.
They really are quite cute accessories and even offer very cool Parties! How fun!
We are so excited as this big community event draws closer. We are so excited to see so much support for our community and our charities.
Keep following to see who else we have coming to this amazing event and remember to click “going” on our Facebook event page and “Like” on our Paws in the Park Facebook page!
Sponsored be Duncan Yeardley, Family run local estate agents.