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Charity donation made to Humanimal Trust after Dog Fest show
Charity Donation made to Humanimal Trust after Dog Fest Show
We are so pleased to share that we have made our donation to the Humanimal Trust as pledged at the Windsor Dog Fest Show, yesterday.
Animal Physiotherapy was giving taster Luxury massages at the show and donating 10% of the price to Noel Fitzpartics Humanimal Trust.
The massages were well received and there was lots of up take. There was one acceptation Puppy, who really enjoyed the massage and fell asleep, making an excellent advert for our Puppy Massage DVD!
It was a great show and so many visitors came to see us. We are so grateful to Broadreach Nature+ who kindly asked us to share their stand.
We only attended on the Sunday, but we had great feedback and support for the Puppy Massage DVD. There was lots of fun and lots of great giveaways. Snuggle Pets even donated 6 dog beds to be prizes to raise charity funds at the Paws in the Park dog show in Bracknell that we are organising. Thank you Snuggle Pets!