Tag: strengthening

  • Welcome to Peter




    Hello and welcome to Peter. Such a happy loving cat. He is an old man though. But so happy and loving. He comes in to his session and loves a face rub and purrs his socks off! He has been blind all his life which is quite a thing to adapt to in itself. But…

  • Welcome to Priya




    Hello and welcome to Priya. Such a sweetie, though a little nervous. She has been diagnosed with a stretched cruciate ligamnet, so not needing surgery, but does need rehab. So we have started her on a program of strengthening, limb confidence building and ultrasound. Mum has taken to the home regime well and we look…

  • Welcome to Hershy




    Hello and welcome to Hershy. She has been doing very well in her later years but has sadly rescently deteriorated and needs some more help. She has a calcifed disk in her neck, possible intervertrable disk disease and possible cruciate ligament disease. She has seen a specialist. She has now been referred to us for…