Tag: CAM

  • Interviewed By CAM! Canine Arthritis Management




    We are thrilled that CAM, Canine Arthritis Management wanted to interview Donna Wills on her opinion about arthritis care! Arthritis is a subject close to Donna’s heart and she is so happy to be a part of the CAM movement. CAM was set up by Vet Hannah Capon. She feels highly passionate that Arthritis is…

  • Interview with Hannah Capon, vet and founder of CAM




    We were so proud to have our Donna Wills interviewed by Hannah Capon. Hannah is a vet and the founder of Canine Arthritis Management. Her passion for arthritis casre came from her own personal experiances with her own dog, and with this, CAM was born. Donna and Hannah have a shared passion for the care…

  • CAM Now Stocking the Puppy Massage DVD!




    We are proud anounce that CAM are now stockists of the Puppy Massage DVD. CAM, Canine Arthritis Management, is an organisation close to our hearts. Hannah Capon MRCVS set this company up so help people learn that there is an extrordinary amount that can be done to ease arthritis. Its doesn’t stop at just the…