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Category: Testimonials
Glowing 5 star review!
Another glowing 5 star review is in! I jave to keep posting them as I’m so proud! I thank anyone who take the time to review as it really help us small businesses!
Another 5 star review!
Another 5 star review! I am so grateful of everyone who take thier time to review my business! Thank you!
Welcome to Aria
Hello and welcome to Aria! This is a very young little beauty Mum is a massive, knowledgeable supporter of early intervention. As a result, she felt strongly that she wanted her puppy assessed. She had no real concerns other than that she has grown incredibly fast! She really has! Getting an assessment early is a…
Welcome to Dotty!
We have to both welcome and celebrate Dotty today! This lovely little one had luxating patella on both sides. One side had a surgery to stop the knee cap slipping and dislocating. Sadly there was a problem and a screw needed removing. This is not unusual though it’s not totally common. She then had lameness…
On the Steering panel for the RCVS
We are so proud to share that Donna has been invited to be on the steering panel for the RCVS (Royal collage of veterinary surgeons) post-operative outcomes project. This is such exciting news. The RCVS has selected members to reflect the views of people who will all have the best interest of patient and owners…
Emmy Miles
Emmy Miles Emmy Miles fell form a first floor height. She broke her rins and was paralysed. The vet gave a poor prognosis, but with hard work and the dedication of the owners to follow all exercises set, we got her walking and running again in just 4 weeks! Well done Mr and Mrs Miles!