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Listed on RCVS “Find a Vet” website!
We are thrilled to announce that we are now listed on the RCVS “find a vet” website. This means if you are looking for a physio, you can find our details there now too!
This is a great website where you can go to find vets and now paraprofessionals that are listed too!
We are very proud to be registered with the RCVS. The RCVS stands for the Royal Collage of Veterinary surgeons. They hold any veterinary professional that is registered with them, to account and set high standards for the veterinary profession.
Donna, founder of Animal physiotherapy Ltd, has been a Registered Veterinary nurse since registration of nurses began. She was even a nurse previously to that.
Presently physiotherapy is not yet governed by the RCVS. But we look forward to this happening in the future. There are many fellow paraprofessionals looking forward to this happening. In the mean time, we stand by all the regulation the RCVS sets as the high standards are welcomed with open arms.