Hello and welcome to Harry. This lovely lad ruptured his cruciate ligament. Such a common problem and made more likely with any excess body weight.
Harry needed surgery to stabilise the knee. The surgery went well but he was very sore afterwards and saw a specialist and had physio and hydrotherapy.
We all had our part in his recovery. He needed a big care team. Thankfully he has wonderful parents to also follow all the rules and follow the plan.
It took longer than we all hoped but with persistence, we made great improvement. We now have to manage his arthritis. This is quite a normal process that will come follwing cruciate damage as the knee does go through a period of damage from when the cruciate first becomes unstable, to when it is bad enough to become detectable. Sometime this period of time might even be years. This makes arthritis common place.
Well done mum, dad, vets, physio and hydro! And most importantly, Harry!