What Do You Love About Physio? Abby Davis Answers!

Donna asked Abby, during her Cuppa Tea with the Vet interview, what she loves about physio. Abby was able to give a really interesting perspective thanks to working in an ICU.

I’ve had at least 2 cases in the past week where I have been working with a physio in ICU…we are having more spinal cases…and paraplegic….and obviously they benefit loads from having physio. But also non-spinal cases…recumbent for 2-3 days so muscle locked up and wasted…she gave some really useful exercises to do to keep everything supple…and stop everything wasting away quite quickly and keep the cat more comfortable whilst it wasn’t really moving around much…I didn’t really appreciate how useful it is for that side of things. But now…we’ve had her in so much and I can definitely see they do get a lot of benefit from it.

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