Donna to Speak as a Guest Speaker at the Online Dog Summit

Donna has been asked to be a guest speaker at the Dog Summit 2021. She will be talking about creating a bond with your dog and using massage to achieve it. She will be discussing her Puppy massage DVD and Online course

About the Dog Summit

Host Ricky Jones tells us a bit more about the event:

My name is Ricky Jones, and I’m the owner of Divine Canine Solutions. I teach dog owners how to communicate with their dog and help them improve their relationship. 
This is a masterclass for dog lovers!! We all love dogs and get to share so many great experiences with them. They have taken us all on a path of amazing adventures and have taught us so many great lessons. Let’s share that with the world!! Learn from the top dog experts in the world on how they have improved their relationships with their dogs!

The event is running next week from Sunday the 14th February until Tuesday the 16th.

When will Donna be speaking?

Donna’s session will be available to watch from 10am until 10pm on the 14th of February. To check out the agenda and request your free ticket to watch Donna (and many other incredibly knowledgeable speakers!) click here and claim entry to the Dog Summit 2021!