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Cuppa tea with the Vet – Emily Biskup!
We are thrilled to announce our next Cuppa Tea with the Vet guest! The lovely Emily Biscup!

This is our second nominated vet. She was nominated by our first vet, Jenny Brown.
Emily is a very busy vet from Nine Mile vets in Finchampstead.
We are thrilled to host our fifth vet interview. So please take advantage. Watch live, next Wednesday 7pm. Get involved. Ask the questions you want answers for. This is your chance to get to know and love your vet.
Its hard work pinning these vets down, so if you have made a nomination, don’t worry, we will keep trying to get them on, but they are busy people.
We will tell you this though…..we have another famous face to come. So keep watching so you get the anouncements of our fabulous vets!
And let us know if you want to make a nomination!
#getinvolved #ninemilevets #emilybiskup #vetchat #vetlove #loveyourvet #vetlife #vetrehabber #donnawills #animalphysio