CAM Now Stocking the Puppy Massage DVD!



We are proud anounce that CAM are now stockists of the Puppy Massage DVD.

CAM, Canine Arthritis Management, is an organisation close to our hearts. Hannah Capon MRCVS set this company up so help people learn that there is an extrordinary amount that can be done to ease arthritis. Its doesn’t stop at just the medicine we get from the vet.

Donna has always had great passion for treatment of arthritis and has great success in improving the quality of life in the elderly.

The Puppy Massage DVD stuck a chord with Hannah as she also recognised the benefit in getting your dogs and owners used to massage at an early age. There are so many life long benefits to this, so calming and bonding, to knowing how to confidently do massage. This helps when an ailment occures, as you and the dog then have the base knowledge. Your rehab practioner can enhance your skill and guide to to specific areas to treat.

When it comes to easing arthritis we know that daily help is needed. There are many different modes of pain relief. Add them together to make the best pain control. This doesnt just mean drugs! Touch, balance, strength, and distraction are just some examples of totally non drug things that will induce pain relief. We just have to get the balance right for the specific patient as their disease progresses.

See the CAM website for more information on what you can do you help your dog with arthritis. Get your copy of the Puppy Massage DVD to help you start to learn full body massage. It doesnt matter what the age of your dog is…they are all our puppies at heart.