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Welcome to Mable
Hello and welcome to Mable. She is such a beautiful Tibeten terrier.
She is at the start of her journey, really. She really hurt her leg and vet investigation, and the referral showed she had severe hip dysplasia on one side, and it was out quite a bit.
She was told by the referral that surgery was the only option. In this situation, sadly that’s a fair outcome.
Mum does have choices over her surgery method. She is also aware that she needs support right now.
She opted for physio. This is brilliant as it gives her a chance to rebuild her muscle. We know that increased muscle gives you the best chance for a good surgical outcome.
So whilst mum decides which type of surgery she will elect, I am working in rebuilding muscle ready.
Well done, mum. Keep up the good work. We will help Mable win her battle!