Tag: lameness

  • Welcome to Delilah

    Hello and welcome to Delilah. Lovely bulldog. He started showing lameness. Mum wanted it investigated but wanted to avoid anaesthetics if it was not needed. So he has come for physiotherapy. We have done our assessment and found a few issues. He has upright hocks, which can suggest hip pain, but there was no other…

  • Welcome to Heidi

    Hello and welcome to Heidi. She is a beautiful young pointer. She is only 17months old. One day she was out having fun and then went very lame. After a trip to the vets and some Nsaid’s she recovered quickly. The vet had warned her it may be a cruciate rupture. As she recovered so…

  • Welcome to Vida

    Hello and welcome to Vida. Sweet little border collie. She has been referred for lameness in her right hind limb. She saw a vet first to start the investigation. But the vet is also unsure what is going on. So she has been sent to us to see if we could find some more information…

  • Welcome to Tootsie

    Hello and welcome to tootsie. She is a little sweetheart. This little bean has been referred for hindlimb lameness and spondylosis. She has had an issue for a little while and so the muscle has also wasted.  This is a complicated case. It may require significant investigation as the vets are also unsure of why…

  • Welcome to Merlot

    Hello and welcome to Merlot. Great name for a lovely dog. Super nervous little bean though.  Merlot has been referred because he has been suffering fore limb lameness for a number of weeks. He has actually been through the mill and back quite a few times. He has had stifle surgery and has serious gastric…