Donna Interviewed by Online Pet Health about her Role as a Mentor

Donna was incredibly pleased to be invited to speak to Online Pet Health again! This time she spoke about her role as a mentor.

Donna told Meg that she likes to give back and believes in karma. So when the opportunity to become a mentor arose, she saw it as a great chance to grow her own skills and give the help she wishes she’d had when starting out!

Donna made the point that wherever you are in your journey, you can always use help. She believes her greatest asset in mentorship is her own experience. Mentors can share and use their experiences of creating a successful business and of things they’ve tried that haven’t worked!

Donna also mentioned how important it is to realise that you should never stop trying to learn. Settling back when running a business such as hers isn’t an option!

One topic discussed was how the mentorship programme works. Donna uses 1-1 and group meetings, which are both important to get a wide range of ideas and questions. Listening is a very important skill for both mentors and mentees to be able to offer and get as much help out of the scheme as possible!

Donna spoke about how much she gets out of the scheme as it feels like their successes are her successes too! Donna also said that it’s helped her self-confidence as she realises how much she has achieved and how much experience or knowledge she has. It’s a really rewarding scheme to volunteer to be a part of.

If you are interested in the mentorship programme, either as a mentor or mentee, you can find out more on the Online Pet Health Facebook page.