Cuppa Tea with the Vet – Abigail Davis

We have had another amazing Cuppa Tea with the Vet! This time with Abigail Davis!

Abby had a wonderful interview with Donna. There was a real affinity there as Donna also used to work in emergency and critical care as a nurse, for 5 years. She did her time whilst training to become an animal physio and setting up her business. Donna also quite enjoyed her time in this work. 

Abby shared how she loves both the adrenaline of not knowing what will come through the door, and also the important challenge of having to form bonds with clients at their most desperate and emotional state. Donna praised her on acknowledging the importance of this. It’s easy to forget how an owner will feel in the early hours of the morning panicking about their loved one. 

Abby has also been a bit bonkers in her life and ridden an Ostrich! Madness! And she shared that her most strange moment was saving a snake from being stuck in a hamster toy….this does raise a good point about appropriate toys! The most unexpected things do happen! 

I’ve had at least 2 cases in the past week where I have been working with a physio in ICU…we are having more spinal cases…and paraplegic….and obviously they benefit loads from having physio. But also None spinal cases…recumbent for 2-3 days so muscle locked up and wasted…she gave some really useful exercises to do to keep everything supple…and stop everything wasting away quite quickly and keep the cat more comfortable whilst it wasnt really moving around much…I didn’t really appreciate how useful it is for that side of things. But now…we’ve had her in so much and I can definitely see they do get a lot of benefit from it.

Thankyou Abby for joining us. We are thrilled you are enjoying our show and you have now been on it with us! 

If you want to catch up on our past shows then catch up on our vlogs page. You can also watch out shows live on our facebook and youtube channels. 

Abigail’s Biography:

I qualified from the RVC in 2013, having previously finished a completely unrelated degree at Durham. I started off in a first opinion, small animal practice and joined Vets Now 18 months later to pursue an interest in emergency and critical care (and a disinterest in early mornings). I spent some time as a principal vet at a couple of lovely clinics in the Midlands before moving in early 2020 to join the team at Eastcott Referrals in their new ICU. I now work nights, seeing emergencies and looking after critical inpatients. I’m also doing a certificate in ECC. I love reading, walking, horse riding, video games and spending time with my 2 year old daughter.