Meet Anita of Dogs-business tomorrow at 1pm! See her perk for our clients!



Anita of Dogs-business is joining us live tomorrow at 1pm on our Animal physiotherapy Ltd facebook page. Ask her questions about her awesome creations! Anita has kindly offered 10% discount off a first order, to all the clients of all businesses within our perk package scheme! Thank you!

Anita started life off as many things,a nd has a wonderful life story. We met her when she first started seeing us with her dog. She was by then a dog walker, and highly passionate about it. She had found her life love.

As time has passed her passion has grown. She what she has said below about what made her decide to start bringing these amazing unique peices of art into peoples lives

Dogs-Business Creations was started to bring a smile at sad times. I first made them when our daytime foster dogs had passed over the rainbow bridge. Now I make them as a way of having our dogs with us at all times, even before they are called to the bridge.

It started as a hobby, something new to learn
but has become a bit of an obsession.

Creating bespoke pieces, designs of the dog. Keyrings, essential oil car vent diffusers, cufflinks,
paw or hand print jewellery, all from
925 sterling silver, copper or brass.

Hand cut, polished and individually designed
 from your own picture of your own dog.
For me it’s an honour to be able to forever immortalise your family member.


 Anita 😃

See Anita’s page for more photo’s of her incredible creations!