Cuppa Tea with the Vet! Meet Jo Headley!



We just had the most amazing chat with the wonderful Jo Headley, founder of Sunninghill Veterinary Center!

We learnt so much about this lovely lady. I think for me the most lovely bit was to hear her inspiring words to anyone else who wants to be a vet….she did terribly at school! She came out of school with poor exam results and went into advertising and office work! But she knew where her passion lay and it was with animals. So she moved back in with her parents, put in the hard work and became a mature student (at 24!) She then flourished and became a vet. She chose to open her own practice just so that she could choose to give her patinets the posh treats at work and not be told by a boss that it wasn’t allowed!

She would love to be a skier and has been kissed by an elephant! But ultimatly she is no adreneline junkie….even though she would like to be one! She even had me believing she did paragliding for a moment there!

Jo was a super star on our show! Watch it now here to catch up, and also come and watch our future shows and learn more about your vet!

If you would like to nominate a vet to come and be interviewed with us then please let us know!