Welcome to Scooby Do

Scooby do, arthritis

Hello and welcone to Scooby do! This is such a sweet, loving rescue dog!

He has been through alot, but never lost his loving nature.

He arrived with his new loving mum, very low in muscle, and body weight. He was clearly sore in the hind. He had veterinary care and started in medications to help with his comfort level. Mum worked hard rebuilding but not over feeding up. This is great because fat gain is not a good replacement for muscle loss.

Mum decided to speak to us about what physio could do for Scooby. Once she heard all the possibilities, she decided to give us a go.

We are thrilled to report that Scooby is doing so well. She is enjoying her walks and gaining muscle. Mum has done an excellent job with the muscle gain diet and excercises. Scooby is now on very little medication and may well cone off it entirely in the summer when the weather is better. We will see, as its all an evolving plan that is moulded to suit the needs of the individual.

Keep up the good work mum and Scooby!