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Welcome to Marley

Hello and welcome to Marley. Such a sweet cat. He has been referred for physio because he is starting to show weakness in his hind limbs.
Cats are so resiliant that many seem to show no issues from the day they are born to the day they go. So it takes a vigilant owner to spot the problems.
It often seems like cats dont get mobility issues but they do suffer arthritis just like all animals. Spotting the signs can be very subtle. They may just go out less, sleep more, not groom themselves, not jump as often and such like. This can be such a gradual thing that you often forget how active your cat once was. But do remember, we slow down for a reason and thats often because we ache.
So we have done our exam and found that Marley is actually doing brilliantly and his mum has picked up on the signs very fast. This is wonderful as early treatment will be so effective and build him up for a happy future.
We have set Marley up with a strengthening program and done some massage to comfort his lower back.
Keep up the good work mum and Marley! We’ll have you feeling better in no time.