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Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from Animal Physiotherapy Ltd

We like to take this opportunity to update you on how the year has gone, and reflect.
We take time to remember our patients who have now departed. Each one of them leaves a hole in our hearts and is sadly missed as that made such an impact on our memories. It was a pleasure to meet all of them and to be able to help many loved ones in their later years.
We also welcome so many new patients. It’s wonderful to meet so many new and amazing personalities. If you want to see our stories on our new patients, then visit our facebook page or see the website blog.
It’s been an amazing year for our Puppy Massage DVD too! We had an incredible time at Crufts and still can’t believe we were featured on Cruft’s extra and interviewed by the amazing Clare Balding and Alan Carr. Both of whom are incredibly beautiful humble people. You can see the feature here. Its not too late to order your copy of the DVD too. It will make an awesome birthday gift for any dog, or owner.
It’s been an incredible year for learning too. The animal physiotherapy industry continues to grow and improve which is fantastic. As RAMP members, we attended the AGM and learnt how well the new voluntary register is ensuring higher standards in the industry. And more importantly there is a massive wealth of research being done now, so we are very proud to tell you we have done a crazy number of hours of learning this year (so far 141.5hrs to be precise) and we have found it all fascinating and passed that on to our patients. We now have an incredible number of patients enjoying their bedtime Camomile tea (and 2 patients insisting that its Tea Pigs!)
We look forward to a wonderful 2019 with lots of new patients, lots of new information and maybe the odd celeb moment in there too. You never know what will come!
May 2019 be wonderful for you and your love ones
Do follow our blogs on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or anything else. Get in touch if you want to discuss any of your pet’s needs.