Hello and welcome to Monty. Such a sweet Brittish Blue. He is the apple of his mums eye!
She noticed he was very sore and lame and saw the vet for help. There was question over the diagnosis and he was put on room rest for 6 weeks. But the x-rays revealed hip dysplaia. Yes, this is common in cats too!
So he was referred to us for physiotherapy. We have set him up with a regime to build muscle in the plevis that will offer more support to the hip. We have also started him on home stretches for flexability and pain relief. He has taken to it all very well. But in all honesty, at first he was not keen on the idea of massage. But we persisted with a gentle regime that gradually introduced the idea to him. He is now getting more and more tolerant, and its highly likely that its because he can feel the benefit.
Monty was never an avid hunter but we are pleased to report that since starting the physio, we had a rescent update, that he had given hunting a go and caught a pigeon! So we may be working our magic a little too well! Don’t worry, mum saw and the pigeon is fine
Keep up the good work mum and Monty!