Tag: fho

  • Welcome to Rory




    Hello and welcome to Rory. This is a lovely west highland white terrier. His leg has really been through alot though! When young he had criciate disease and had a TPLO to repair. Many years later he managed to dislocate the hip in the same limb! He had a toggle to allow it to heal,…

  • Welcome to Wilma




    Hello and welcome to Wilma. She is very cute. Sadly she is quite a poorly girl, with immune mediated polyarthiritis, and skin issues when not on her steroids. She most rescently had a FHO also know as a femoral head ostectomy. This is where the head of the femur is removed so thst the body…

  • Welcome to Buddy




    Hello and welcome to Buddy. A very cute Sproker. He had a run in with a car and dislocated his hip. Sadly it wouldnt go back in well and it was discovered that he also had hip dysplasia. So he had to have his femoral head and neck removed. His recovery seemed good but he…